Done. Did. Not too much to say about that. Today was strength/sculpt, by the way.
Now I'm just REALLY tired. All I want to do is take a nap, which I think I'll do in a little bit once I finish my laundry.
As most of you know, today is FRIDAY!!! For those of you who don't know it's Friday, please check your calendars and prepare to enjoy the weekend. I'd like to list a few of my favorite things today, since Friday is probably my favorite day of the week!
1.) Afternoon naps. I love, love, love taking naps. In fact, I'm taking one today since I have the time.
2.) Red wine. Since today is Friday and I don't have to wake up too early tomorrow, I'm going to enjoy a glass (or 3) of wine.
3.) Stretching. I love to stretch. Whether it be an early morning, just waking up and climbing out of bed kind of stretch, or one just before/after a work out, I really, really love to stretch. It just feels soooo good :)
4.) Libraries. I like how quiet they are, and how you can get lost in the aisles of books. I love wandering through the stacks and finding something completely new that I had no intention of checking out. I also love the way library books smell. They smell different from regular books...and that's just fine by me.
5.) Candy,Ice Cream,Sweets,Cakes, desserts, etc. You get the idea. Sometimes I think I could survive on JUST sugar. Once, someone told me my world must be a combination of Munchkin Land (from Wizard of Oz) and Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory (Oompa-Loompas, edible tea cups, and all). Now that I think about it, that's exactly how things would be in my world. However, I'm really proud of myself. Since I began my workouts, I've eliminated most sugars from my diet. Now I settle for fruit or honey-sweetened tea. It's not the same, but it will do.
Well, that seems like enough for today. Time for that afternoon nap. Until tomorrow...
Joining you in cutting down the sugar too - hard, but definitely worth it (although sometimes I cave and have cake!).