These days, things seem to happen really quickly around here. I can't believe it's been almost a week-or maybe a full week-since I last blogged. Last weekend was nice. My mom, dad, and middle sister came to visit. While they were in town, a few of my other aunts (mother's sisters) came to visit as well. We had a nice time catching up, eating, laughing, etc.
Since I've been so busy, I haven't been able to keep up with my workouts as I'd like. I didn't work-out yesterday or today, unless you count moving boxes and furniture into my apartment exercise. Now that I think about it, I don't feel so bad since I did move all that stuff (by myself). Speaking of apartment, it has almost everything in it (besides what I've got here at my grandparents' house, which, admittedly, is a lot). I'm looking forward to unpacking boxes and rummaging through stuff that's been packed away for a year or more. Hopefully I'll have a super cute and ORGANIZED apartment one of these days.
However, that won't happen until after next week. Tomorrow I leave for Missouri (yay!!) to see my boyfriend and some other girlfriends. We'll be spending some time in St. Louis as well as at camp getting ready for the summer. Hopefully we'll also make it to a winery (surprisingly, Missouri has a lot of really nice wineries) and do some hiking. The weather is supposed to be nice and springy :)
I also thought I should do a quick update on some of the things I've been doing for my 30th year project.
1.) I've almost finished the "Hunger Games" series! Great series and I'm excited to see the movie
2.) I'm still working out and although I haven't done EVERY day of P90, I feel good about how I'm doing.
3.) The car purchase may be put on hold since I decided to rent an apartment, but I feel okay about that. Living in my own place (without roommates) has been something I've wanted to do for a real long time.
4.) I've made some big payments on my credit cards and MAY be done paying them off before summer is over. Of course, I've got to do some budgeting since the apartment will bring new expenses.
5.) I've lost 5 of 50 pounds. Not bad at all; I'm actually on track and now that I've begun to lose weight, I'll start losing more if I keep at it.
6.) No work on the writing or publications...yet. (Unless you count blogging!) Recently I've had several people my grandparents' age tell me they knew my biological grandmother and how great she was. I'm thinking I would like to do learn more about her and consider that as a book or document to put together for my mom and her siblings.
7.) I'm a tiny bit behind on the letter writing, but that's okay. At least I'm writing letters.
8.) I'm thinking I'll work on donating money to either cancer research or diabetes research. Right now I'm doing the cancer research since Relay for Life is approaching at the end of the month.
9.) Speaking of Relay, I'll be running another 5K in May for cancer fundraising. Working on more running so I can (hopefully) do a half marathon.
So, that's the update for now. I don't have my list of 30 things in front of me, but I know of those of the top of my head.
Hope you're well! I'll try to give some updates while traveling in Missouri!
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