Days off are wonderful. Just so you know. Yesterday (Saturday) was my day off. I had considered working out, but then I realized I'd have to take Sunday off, and that doesn't work well with my schedules. Besides, I like having Saturday off from work.
I went out with some friends and had pizza and dessert. Two desserts, to be honest. Then, today I had a small piece of carrot cake with lunch. Honestly, I don't feel entirely bad since my aunt told me she thought I'd lost 'lots' of weight since she'd last seen me in October. The word "lots" made me feel pretty good and worked as a motivational tool for getting myself in gear today. So, as soon as lunch was over and I was back at the house, it was time to get back on the proverbial wagon.
Since my birthday is in two weeks, and I REALLY like celebrating birthdays (especially my own), I'm going to fast for two weeks until the big day. It really won't be so hard. No desserts (I'll have plenty to look forward to during birthday celebrations), limited carbs (and none at dinner), and limited alcohol (maybe a glass of wine at dinner). Those three things alone will make me feel better about all of the excess I'll have on my birthday.
Speaking of my birthday, I promised to share my list of 30 things while 30. Understand it isn't finished. I'm still thinking of things and have 10 days to finalize it. And, since I don't really like being held by rules, I may add to it or adjust it throughout the year. You just never know what will happen. I've organized them, though some won't have any particular grouping.
Here ya go: (In NO particular order)
1.) Run a 1/2 marathon. I've been saying this for a long time. My intentions had been to finish one BEFORE 30. Well, that didn't happen, so now it's for this year.
2.) Lose 50 pounds
3.) Compete in (another) triathlon. I did a mini-triathlon a few years ago. It was one of the most exhilarating and proud moments of my life. I want to do that again.
4.) Climb a rock wall without assistance (other than the regular restraints to keep me from falling and killing myself)
5.) Finish Power90. All 90 days without a break. (As you know, I'm 2 weeks in already, so I've got a start on this one!)
Academics/Scholarly Work:
6.) Write a book about my granddad. I've been saying this for a while. I live with him right now and he's pretty sick, but not so sick he can't hold a normal conversation. It's time. This must be done.
7.) Have something published. This could be either the book I'm writing about my granddad (though, honestly, it's more for my family's benefit than anything) or something scholarly and in my field of study (music). A music article would REALLY help with getting into school for my PhD.
8.) Do a solo, public performance on my clarinet. This doesn't have to be a full recital; it could simply be playing a solo at church. But, I need to play solo more often, it will keep me playing and practicing.
9.) Practice the piano enough that I can play hymns and chordal progressions with confidence while teaching. I'm taking lessons this semester, so hopefully (fingers crossed), I'll be motivated enough to do the practicing I need to do.
10.) Become the BEST Music Appreciation teacher I can be. I'd like to spend some quality time this summer evaluating what I did this year and really do a GREAT job next semester/year.
11.) Get out of all my credit card debt (almost there!!!)
12.) Buy a car
13.)Triple my savings account. This might be tough, especially if I'm buying a car, but I think I can do it if I really get serious and budget myself.
14.) Make a strict budget and stick to it.
15.) Donate to a charity monthly. I do this when I think about it, but not on a regular monthly basis. I want to make that a part of my financial goals. It's a good thing.
16.) Travel somewhere new. Anywhere I've never been will be fine.
17.) Go on a beach vacation.
18.) Take a road trip. I LOVE road trips. I went on a good one with my brother a few years ago. They don't have to be extravagant, just a nice little trip with someone I love.
19.) Visit a friend I haven't seen in years. I'm thinking either some of my childhood friends or maybe a friend from my Kansas years. Both would be nice, but we'll see.
20.) Go on a camping/hiking trip.
Life/Random ideas:
21.) Throw out ALL of the old clothes, shoes, hats, jackets, jewelry, random crap, etc. that I NEVER wear or use but am attached to.
22.) Get my keepsake/memory/photo boxes in order so I can actually look through it.
23.) Write 8 letters/month. A few years ago I wrote a letter/day. That was nice, but I really wasn't able to put the effort forth on every letter I wrote that I'd have liked. So, with 8 letters/mo. (roughly 2/week), I should have the time to write nice, meaningful letters.
24.) Read the Hunger Games books.
25.) Make a t-shirt scarf with my old t-shirts.
26.) Throw/host a party. Not a birthday party, but a regular "party" like I used to have back in my early 20s (minus all the alcohol...maybe).
27.) Do a random act of kindness EVERY Friday.
28-30: Still up for grabs...
Cool ideas! You know me, I love a good challenge and I thinks setting out your stall like this really raises your chances of success. Go girl!