This week has been insane. I've been incredibly busy and am just now getting around to updating about my birthday, visit from Brad and the birthday weekend.
Also, I've had a hell of a time sticking to a healthy diet...Valentine's Day and birthday celebrations have been a big reason for my food binge. But, despite the hectic schedule and all of the distractions, I've managed to do my workout everyday. And I feel really good about that.
Anyway, my actual birthday was nice. My grandparents took me out for lunch at a nice place downtown. I spent most of the day resting and talking to friends/family. That evening I had a rehearsal, where they all sang happy birthday to me. After rehearsal I took myself out for sushi (which was wonderful!).
Thursday was an extremely busy day at work. I spent the day trying to catch up and get ahead so I could enjoy the weekend and next week when H comes to visit (yay!). I also had a piano lesson (which was teacher is really inexperienced so he isn't as much help as I'd like). Fortunately, I did enough work that I've been able to enjoy the weekend. I will have to do some things tomorrow evening, but that's fine. Hannah doesn't get in town until Tuesday afternoon, anyway.
Brad got here Friday! It has been so nice to see him. We spent most of Friday and Saturday seeing my family, so today it's just us. Which has been nice. I've noticed I've been kinda clingy and whiny; he even pointed it out. I think being separated for 6 weeks has been harder for me than I realized. He doesn't seem to worry about it--like a guy, he's super practical. His practicality gets frustrating because he doesn't seem to understand my concerns and I can't see things through his view (which is, 'why worry about it if we can't change the way things are?').
But, over all I've had a great time. We celebrated my birthday with my family last night. He met some of my aunts and uncles for the first time and they got along great (which is important because I'm VERY close with this side of my family). Today we're going to go ride around and see Guntersville, maybe have sushi for dinner (which is always fine with me), and generally enjoy our last evening together until next month... :(
Oh, and I did work out today even though he's here! Go me :)
I can totally understand the clings, having done semi-long-distance before (gaps of 1-to-5 weeks). Glad you guys got to have fun together. :)