Sunday, February 12, 2012


I may have made a huge mistake by weighing myself at the gym today. I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks, and I haven't lost a single pound either (according to the SAME scale I last used to weigh in). I would be off the Biggest Loser... I know, I know. The argument will inevitably be, "but you've gained muscle mass." That's true, I do feel stronger and I THINK my clothes fit better (at least that's what I'm telling myself), but it still doesn't help when the scale (reality) hasn't actually changed.

But, see, here's the thing. I'm in this for the long haul. So, I've got to get over these frustrations and get up tomorrow and work out again. I really need to stop cheating on my diet (I've been having too many sweets lately) and man up (or woman up, to be more exact). This week I add more cardio, so I think that should help. I'll stop eating rolls at dinner (my grandmother makes them and I have a hard time saying no). Ummmm...and stop having seconds at meal time when I'm technically "full" after the first go-round. That's about all I can do, diet wise. I still don't drink sodas or eat out at fast-food places EVER. I don't eat within three hours of going to sleep. And I REALLY don't have too many sugary sweets (like cakes and candy or ice cream).

This all being said, this is my birthday week (in case, dear reader, you've forgotten). And I WILL have cake for my birthday. :)

1 comment:

  1. Birthday cake for the win! We all have these moments, honey, and as you say, you're in this for the lOng haul. You can do this!
