So, week 2 is basically done. I need to do an extra day (since last week I was only able to work out 5 days). If I have the energy, I'll go to the gym tomorrow and do the sculpt work out with weights rather than a band.
Things I've learned this week:
1.) ALWAYS have a protein shake after the workout. I'm pretty sure they aren't lying when they (exercise experts) say it helps heal your muscles. I had shakes the first few days. By the end of the week, I was REALLY struggling to get motivated to exercise, then I was so tired I could hardly finish them. Admittedly, some of the exhaustion was from from a week of working out and all my other commitments, but I really think the protein shakes make a difference. Today, after a hellish work out (tired body and exhaustion), I had a shake and I'm feeling a LOT better than I did after yesterdays tough work out.
2.) Treat yourself. A LITTLE bit of icecream isn't bad. My grandparents went to the local dairy and got some chocolate ice cream. It's locally made with real milk and cream (no artificial hormones given to the animals and they are cage free). Plus, purchasing from them supports the local economy (added bonus). Anyway, I had ice cream. Just a little bit (be smart---don't let your workout go to pot because you eat an entire pint of ice cream!!!). But, the little bit was WONDERFUL!!!!
3.) Even on days when the last thing I want is to work out, if I just get dressed and push play, it's not so bad.
So, that's it for the health portion. I'll be coming back shortly with a list of thirty things to do when I turn 30. For those of you who may not know, my 30th birthday is just around the corner!! Wednesday, February 15. Feel free to send cards, flowers, gifts, whatever ;) Anyway, I'm working on a list of 30 things to do during the year. Some new, some repeats, some improvements, etc. Any suggestions are welcome...I still need a few ideas!
I'm fresh out of suggestions, but super excited to read what you decide!