Monday, January 30, 2012

11 questions

My friend, Claire, whose blog I recommend, tagged me (Yes! Me!) in a little "meme" that I'm definitely going to participate in! I tell 11 random facts about myself, then answer 11 questions. So, here I go:

11 Facts about Moi:
1.) I don't really like watching the local news, but I know it is important to stay up to date with current events in my area. So, I watch it.
2.) I love writing letters. But I've been really busy lately and haven't kept up with writing. In fact, I've got a letter half written sitting beside me.
3.) I used to suck my thumb as a child. I stopped in first grade for fear of being laughed at.
4.) I still have my baby/childhood blanket. It's on my bed and I sleep with it every night. However, I don't travel with it. Too risky.
5.) Even though I've been to England, if I could only travel to ONE other place for the rest of my life (outside the U.S.), it would DEFINITELY be England.
6.) I don't like scary movies. They always scare me way too much.
7.) I want to write a book.
8.) I have an uncanny ability to turn almost any normal situation into an incredibly awkward situation. I don't mean to, it just happens. Fortunately, my friends, family, and boyfriend think it is an endearing quality.
9.) I don't really like T.V. that much. I watch a few shows, comedy mostly, but otherwise, I don't care too much about it. In fact, I don't even own a T.V.
10.) I despise video games. Funny thing, I actually own a Wii, but have only played it about 5 times (and that is a generous number).
11.) I've cried while playing Monopoly. Because I was losing. I'm a poor sport, sometimes.

Now, 11 questions from Claire!!

1. Which is your favourite holiday or celebration? Basically everything that falls between Thanksgiving and my birthday or Mardi Gras (whichever comes first). So, that includes Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve (yes, it's a holiday), Christmas, New Years, Valentines Day, my birthday and Mardi Gras. However, if I could only pick ONE, I'd go with Christmas. It's MAGICAL!

2. What's your favourite song to rock out at a karaoke party? Or, if you're not a karaoke person, what's your favourite song to sing in the shower?
I've never karaoke'd (it is on my to-do list), but it's probably a toss up between Rocket Man and Bennie and the Jets

3. Do you wear pyjamas? If so, do you have a favourite pair?
Yes; I don't have a favorite pair. It's really whatever is closest and how hot/cold I am. No, that's not entirely true. I do have a favorite summer gown. It's white with flowers and real thin. It is probably the only thing I can sleep in on those super hot, muggy evenings.

4. Which of the cities you have visited is your favourite?
London, hands down.

5. What do you think of the Kardashians?
I have a sick obsession with them. Kim annoys the piss out of me, but I like her sisters. I don't watch their show regularly, but I do keep up with them. It's sad.

6. Do you have any tattoos?
Yep :)

7. Who was your favourite teacher?
My 10th grade English teacher, Mrs. Borrego. She was tough but amazing and I learned so much. She helped me learn to accept criticism.
My 11th-12th grade Chemistry teacher, Mr. Diskin. He was incredible at making chemistry FUN! For a while, I had every intention of being a chemist.
Dr. Hochkeppel, my college band director and conducting coach. I've never had a teacher that inspired me as much as he did. He was tough and expected nothing but my absolute best, and he believed in me. I owe much of my success in music to him.
Dr. Garcia; she wasn't as much of a teacher as a mentor (though she was the piano instructor at my university). She guided me through some really rough times in my academic career. She put more time and effort into my education that she was required, but I'm grateful for it every single day.

8. How much sleep do you need each night? Do you sleep well?
It varies. I try to get 7-8 hours each night, especially nights before I teach. However, I don't sleep well when I've had a nap and been lazy all day. I love naps, but I have to limit them so I can sleep at night.

9. If you were a Star Wars character, which one would you be?
I don't like Star Wars, so I can't really answer this one....

10. What is your favourite kind of candy?

11. The Simpsons was recently voted the greatest TV show of all time - what's your take on this?
I've never watched much of The Simpsons, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy it or haven't enjoyed it when I have watched the show. I just don't care too much about it...basically, I can live without it. This being said, it's run has been remarkable. Not to mention the fact that so many people STILL watch it religiously. It's a show that's almost as old as I am, and has an audience that ranges from senior citizens to young children. These facts alone are enough for me to agree that (thus far), it is the greatest show of all time.

Whew, that was fun! Now time to do some school work...Thanks, Claire :)

1 comment:

  1. What fun answers! I love getting letters from you - in fact, one arrived just yesterday! I'll be replying before too long :)
